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black smartphone on red and white textile

Ancient astrological technique.

Understanding Prashna/Thathkalaya

Thathkalaya, meaning "current time," refers to the moment a question is asked. Prashna is an ancient technique where astrologers interpret signs and circumstances at the exact moment of inquiry. Traditionally, clients visited astrologers in person, bringing betel leaves as offerings. These leaves, along with the client's behavior and the timing of the question, play crucial roles in forming an accurate astrological reading.

The Prashna Process

The astrologer begins by creating a chart based on the exact time the question is posed. This chart, a snapshot of planetary positions at that moment, holds the answer to the client's query. Timing is essential, as the belief is that the moment a question arises is inherently connected to its answer.

Blending Ancient Wisdom with Modern Understanding

Prashna astrology combines tradition with intuition. Through subtle cues from the betel leaves, the client's body language, and precise timing, an astrologer offers invaluable guidance, revealing cosmic insights into earthly concerns.

The Relevance of Prashna Today

Prashna astrology, with its immediate insights, remains highly effective in resolving uncertainties. Its continued relevance lies in its ability to address contemporary issues like career choices, financial decisions, and health concerns. Modern practitioners have adapted Prashna techniques, ensuring it remains a valuable tool in today's complex world.

Why Prashna Works

Nature follows its own program, and astrology helps interpret these cosmic laws. Historical examples, like the birth of Jesus Christ or Buddha, were understood through celestial signs. Prashna astrology taps into this understanding, offering guidance based on the cosmic order.

Conclusion: A Bridge Between Past and Present

Prashna astrology serves as a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern needs. By focusing on the exact moment of inquiry, it remains a versatile and relevant tool for guidance in our fast-evolving world. Whether you are a firm believer or a curious skeptic, the enduring utility of Prashna astrology is undeniable, affirming its place in contemporary society.

What is Prashna?

Introduction to Prashna/Thathkalaya: An Ancient Astrological Method

Prashna, also known as Thathkalaya, offers a unique approach in astrology. While a natal chart maps out an entire life, it often struggles to provide detailed insights on specific issues. Prashna, however, focuses solely on the current issue, offering precise guidance based on present circumstances.

space photography of stars
space photography of stars
Preparing for a Prashna Session: Challenges Today

In the past, astrologers often worked with people they knew well due to close proximity, making it easier to interpret their questions. Today, however, astrologers frequently work with clients they've never met. When clients reach out, their minds are often scattered with numerous questions, which can complicate the session. The reliability of a Prashna session largely depends on the clarity of the question posed. Therefore, it’s crucial for the client to focus deeply on their query and write it down for better clarity.

While you don't need to disclose your question to the astrologer, the act of writing it down helps clarify your thoughts, leading to a more effective counseling session.

In many Eastern cultures, people consult astrologers to determine the most auspicious time for significant events, like moving to a new house or starting construction. However, a Western astrologer might not be able to interpret these cultural nuances accurately

Prashna Question Submission:

After giving your question deep thought, you can email us to indicate that you have a question. There's no need to reveal the actual question in your email. Once we analyze the chart, we'll clarify your question during the consultation and address any related inquiries.

For example, if you're considering migrating to a different country, your initial question might be whether you have the cosmic support to settle abroad. We'll check this and inform you of the conditions. From there, we can provide timelines for major events and insights into the nature of your life in your new country.